Forgiving our Enemies
For Mr. O., Mr. Reid, Ms. Pelosi, Ms. Wasserman-Schultz, etc., as well as all of my other enemies, political and / or otherwise, I find that by letting Jesus love them through me works for me. By myself I just cannot do it! They appear to me to be just too evil for me to love them. He has to be the One who loves them through me.So He is faithful to begin doing so by showing me that I need to see them as being deceived by Satan, not as acting alone against me and our nation. This thought settles me down and moves me to surrender to Him by repenting of my hatred for them, dying to my own desire to perpetrate some kind of violent, raging revenge upon them and then leaving room for His eventual vengeance (if that is what He ultimately calls for) upon them. Realizing that it is the devil who is actually afflicting me through my enemies frees me to overcome him by obeying Jesus and allowing Him to love his poor, deceived human pawns through me.
A wonderful thing then happens. I am no longer controlled by the devil's evils being perpetrated upon me through them! All I have to do is to focus my attention off of them and onto Jesus Himself to be free of Satan's grasp. When I focus upon Jesus and then think of their misdeeds against me and our nation, Jesus shows me that it is actually Satan working through them to hurt us. So then I can no longer be tricked into bitterness towards them by Satan jumping from them into my mind to deceptively frustrate me into feeling powerless to stop them and their evils. Instead I am empowered by and through Jesus to see the devil at work in them and then to imitate Him by humbly praying for them, just as He did, "Father forgive them, they know not what they do."
The realization that Jesus gives me that my enemies have been deceived by Satan into traversing the slippery path of sinning against God and me and our nation (which will only end them up in the terrors of hell if they do not repent of their evils and turn to Jesus for their salvation), now motivates me to be forgiving and loving towards them.
I am one who (like Jesus) desires to see no one to end up in hell (including myself for harboring unforgiveness!). So this forgiving prayer acts to keep my own salvation secure while empowering me to be spiritually victorious over the devil! It gives me the upper hand on both the devil and on my human enemies because now I have called upon Almighty God's power, not my own ungodly, human rage to deal with all of them.
His power is what I want to see come forth to correct these enemies of mine and of our nation and to free them from Satan's grasp upon them. I do not want to destroy them in hell and the lake of fire along with the devils they are harboring! So I can be no longer frustrated and enraged by my own sense of powerlessness about the evils that they have done to me and our nation because I see that frustration and rage for just what it is, more deceptions from Satan trying to capture me just as he has captured them!
Satan is the spiritual enticer, the deceiver and the accuser of all of us, so it is he who is actually behind all of their evils against me and America. Knowing this I am easily able to forgive them and let Jesus love them through me.